“Be patient and tough. Someday this pain will be useful to you.”
— Ovid
Areas of Focus
I work from a holistic/systems perspective – an approach to therapy that considers people in the broader context of family and society – and use evidence-based psychodynamic and cognitive behavioral theories, techniques, and interventions to treat a range of clinical issues, including:
Anxiety and depressive disorders
Couple and family challenges (marital conflict, blended family issues, parent/child problems)
Grief and loss
Military-related issues
Trauma and post-traumatic stress
Clinical Populations
It’s been said that some amount of pain is inevitable, but suffering results from how we respond. Individual clients will discover a scientifically-based and compassionate approach to adversity, one that entails empathy, scientific curiosity, radical acceptance, and skillful change…in equal measure. We’ll explore and practice ways to “get off of the roller coaster”, build resilience, identify what truly defines us, and use our newfound skills to pursue what matters the most. In other words, skills not just for the present, but for a lifetime.
Couples & Families
What is it that brings us together, keeps us together, or tears us apart? Why do some couples celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary while others struggle day to day, and some families maintain healthy connections while others are either too close, or distant? Families of any type or size are our first and strongest influence, so we’ll explore how we create or hinder shared functioning as a whole; how to change generational patterns; and how to thrive as the family grows and changes over time.
Completing our internship for adulthood is no easy task under the best of circumstances; add personal, school, or family challenges, and the situation may feel totally unmanageable for young adults. Together, we’ll navigate what causes and maintains the distress, what we need or want to change, and the areas where we can do a better job of understanding and accepting. Throughout, we’ll learn new and healthier ways of thinking, feeling, behaving, and relating like the adults we want to become.
Treatment Stages
Intake & Diagnosis
This is our time to develop a strong working relationship and gather information. We’ll explore the history of your specific challenges, discuss your current circumstances, and pay special attention to unique factors that may support or hinder your progress. We sometimes refer to this work as casting a wide net…a broad and careful exploration that provides the information we’ll need to develop your treatment goals. If I determine that your needs would be better served by a different clinician or a mode of treatment other than psychotherapy, I’ll provide you with a detailed explanation and appropriate referrals.
Treatment Planning & Delivery
With your goals firmly in place and a clear vision of where you want to go, the next critical decision is how to get there. All of your hard work during the first few sessions has paid off, as the information we gathered now allows me to provide you with a treatment plan, and a choice of therapeutic interventions that are consistent with your preferences, and sound clinical judgment. We’ll also discuss other options that may be indicated or appropriate, such as medical referrals, group work, or community resources. Therapy sessions generally take place weekly, and will always be consistent with evidence-based practice guidelines.
Consolidate & Finish
If therapy is successful, how will that look and what will be different when I’m finished? Those are important questions to ask up front, because the answers are like guideposts that keep us focused, and tell us when your goals have been met. Measuring your progress, reviewing treatment, and planning for the future are our most important tasks in this phase, along with preparing to end therapy.
Delivery Options
Therapy takes commitment and hard work, so the environment where it happens should be optimized to support, comfort, and inspire you. When you arrive you’ll find a home-like atmosphere, off-street parking, and plentiful amenities. Our waiting room is designed with an emphasis on helping you enter your sessions less stressed and more able to engage.
Additionally, we’ll begin each session by focusing straight away on what’s most important, because all of your administrative and financial tasks will take place entirely online, within your private and secure client portal. Things like filling out and signing forms, completing assessments, managing your appointment schedule, making payments, viewing financial statements, or sending me a message or document, are all done from the comfort and privacy of your own home.
Secure video telehealth can be the perfect delivery method, or the perfect addition to your treatment. While not all individuals or conditions are good candidates for remote therapy sessions, many are, and research shows that in such cases, therapy delivered via telehealth can be just as effective as in-session appointments! Sessions are conducted over a state-of-the-art, secure, and fully HIPAA compliant video platform, with no software installation required on your part.* From your desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone, simply click the session link in your email appointment reminder to instantly arrive in my virtual office.
Still have questions? Watch a short video on Telehealth by SimplePractice, or click here for an FAQ and instructional brochure.
*Smartphones require the SimplePractice Telehealth app, available in the Android and iPhone app stores.